I believe with strong leadership, hard work and a dedication to qoute solving, we can enhance the lives of our society and originate a new vision for Northern Virginia.
The Economy
Health Care Reforms
There is an vast need to enhance the economic atmosphere within our communities throughout northern Virginia. Thousands of families throughout Nova are struggling to afford the expenses related with life, along with childcare. To help families within Nova I reserve President Obama's strategy to advance the child and Dependent Care Tax credit to help provide relief for parents and care givers. Currently only 35 percent of the first ,000 incurred from childcare expenses by a family with one child and a family with two or more children the first ,000. The credit is not refundable, therefore upper-income families unreasonably advantage while families that earn less than ,000 a year collect less than a third of the tax credit. I advocate reforming the Child and Dependent Care Tax credit to ensure low-income families to receive more credit for their child care debuts.
Additionally, it is imperative that we originate training programs for clean technologies.
I advocate for supplementary funding to advance federal job training programs to contain green technologies training, like industrialized manufacturing and weatherization training. This type of job training schedule will help fuel our economy and originate sustainable green jobs.
I reserve President Obama's plan to help advance lending to small company through tax cuts and aid to society banks. The schedule is designed to have billion in returned cash for the Troubled Assets Relief schedule (Tarp) made ready to help smaller banks lend to local businesses. Small businesses are the fabric of our economy it is imperative that we provide financial reserve to originate jobs, ignite entrepreneurship and innovation.
Health Care
The Healthcare system in this country is broken and I will fight to fix the system. The United States pays more than any other industrialized country, yet lacks national coverage for all Americans. At the same time, healthcare is inextricably related to our time to come fiscal health. Therefore, in order to cut costs and enhance ability for all Americans, three system must be met in any legislation that passes congress: (1) national coverage; (2) ending insurance company abuses; (3) providing choice and competition in the market.
To meet these system healthcare reform must contain some dissimilar provisions. First, we must find a plan to growth the whole of Americans with healthcare. If done properly, it would advance the insurance pool, contain more Americans and cut the costs of premiums. Second, Americans must be protected from the worst insurance company abuses by ending their practices of denying coverage due to pre-existing conditions, capping total coverage, and dropping or reducing coverage when habitancy get sick and need it the most. Additionally, reform should mandate how much of a patient's selected must go toward their care, as opposed to the marketing, profits and salaries for insurance companies.
To provide choice and competition into the market reform should contain a national exchange, whereby individuals and small businesses can join together to advance the insurance pool for economy insurance. Included within this replacement should be a national option. A national choice would be non-profit and have the ability to provide comprehensive care for the best price. along with an American choice in the replacement would keep incommunicable insurers costs from rising and keep them honest.
To keep condition insurance affordable our system must shift to preventative care. For example, if more movable clinics were put in impoverished and rural community's inherent curative issues could be identified early and treated. This would help to combat the high volume of patients visiting hospitals and help cut cost. Additionally, we should provide tax credits to small businesses to help healthcare come to be affordable care. To combat the high volume of patients we should provide more movable clinics in impoverished communities. Tax credits should also be made ready to individuals and families that make below the poverty level. Lastly, waste, fraud, and abuse in the Medicare system must be rooted out to keep the long-term stability of our Medicare system for seniors.
Implementing these reforms must be done in order to meet the challenges of our nation. The costs of healthcare are driving more Americans into bankruptcy and development our businesses less competing to foreign competitors. These reforms would cut our deficit and begin to get our fiscal house in order. I will be a strong believer in healthcare reform.
Our schooling system has many issues and in need for solutions to combat challenges that Americans are faced with everyday. Our children are falling behind in comparison to other developing nations. To provide our children with a curious time to come the United States must be at the forefront of innovation. First, we must reserve children with extra needs and spend in early childhood education, because the duration before a child enters into kindergarten is the most critical to their educational development. To attain this goal we must dramatically growth funding for Head Start and other Parent Readiness programs that have proved effective in getting our children ready for their education. Funds must be allocated properly to ensure that classrooms are managed efficiently and effectively.
Second, we must enhance our K-12 schooling system. I talked to many parents across northern Virginia and listen to their concerns about the addition dropout rate and if American students are being prepared to compete with the world. To accomplish this goal, funding must be provided in order to bring technology and recent textbooks into the classrooms. Additionally, we must rebuild crumbling schools and bonus teachers based on merit and provide incentives to attract ability teachers. I reserve the President's Race To The Top schedule and will advocate to reform the No Child Left Behind Act to reserve schools that need improvement. Additionally, I believe that our school days and hours should be extended, so that our children are getting not only high ability education, but as much schooling throughout the year as our global competitors.
Third, we must advance passage to higher education. The high school schooling that gave our parents and grandparents a vocation is naturally not sufficient in today's fast-developing world. Today, in order to purchase a home, reserve a family and retire comfortably, a college schooling is a necessity. Unfortunately, college and other advance training has come to be unaffordable for many Americans that is why I reserve addition Pell grants and tax credits to families to help pay for education.
Expanding these programs will be costly, but they are worth the investment. I believe that government has the responsibility to spend in its time to come leaders, inventors and communities. We cannot compete globally if we are not developing better products and technologies. Failure is not an choice we must enhance our educational system, as a member of Congress I will push to refocus our Nation's endeavor to strengthening our intellectual capital.
I believe with the right values, dedication, leadership and transportation a new vision for Northern Virginia is possible. Let's make it happen.
Taking a Stand - Economy, health Care and instruction
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