Saturday, December 31, 2011

Women Empowerment - Myth Or Reality

You can tell the health of a nation by looking at the status of its women.

- Jawaharlal Nehru

Health Care Reforms

Empowerment of any section of a community is a myth until they are conferred equality before law. The foundation of freedom, justice and fraternity is based on the recognition of the possible dignity and of equal and inalienable ownership to all the members of the society. The Universal notification of Human ownership adopted and proclaimed by the normal Assembly of the United Nations on 10th December 1948, envisaged in report 2 that "every one is entitled to all the ownership and freedoms set forth in this notification without unlikeness of any kind."

Women Empowerment - Myth Or Reality

It has traditionally been appropriate that the thread of house weaves the fabric of Indian society. Women are considered as the hub town of the family. Still, in the era of political domination by foreigners, the women in India suffered most. A few public reform measures were taken towards the later 19th and early 20th century while the British regime. The inception of Mahatma Gandhi in the National free time movement ushered a new thought of mass mobilization. Women constituted about 50% of the country's total population, he, therefore, complex women in the nation's liberation movement. The mass participation of women directly in the free time struggle was the great divide in the history of (Feminist movement) empowerment of women. They shed age-old disabilities and shared the responsibility of liberation of their motherland with their counter parts. The free time of India thus became synonymous with the empowerment of women. In this context the date of India's political free time (August 15, 1947) is a landmark in the history of women empowerment in India. It brought in its wake a great consciousness in our community for human dignity. It was realized that every people of independent India be accorded equal rehabilitation under the law.

This is the urban age and Women along with men are here to make an impact, let's not ignore them, let's listen and prioritize them. In roughly all societies through history, Women have occupied secondary position vis-à-vis men.

Women's ownership and issues have all the time been a branch of serious concern of academicians, intelligentsia and course makers. From pastoral community to modern information and global society, the role of Women has changed drastically. The role of a typical "Grihani" (house wife) who catered to all the requirements of the house holds including the rearing and upbringing of children in various sub roles of daughter, daughter-in-law, wife, mother, aunt etc. Has been played quite efficiently. The continuity of changes in socio-economic and psycho-cultural aspects of human living has influenced the role of Women. With the process of Industrialization, Modernization and Globalization showing its deep impact on the human community all over the world, the role and responsibilities of Women has attained new definition and perspective. Further this has also led to addition of responsibilities and widened the role of Women who also shares the financial responsibilities.

The Women issues have received substantial attentiveness in the planning circle and in wide intellectual discussions and forums at national and global platforms. However the existing lacuna in the formulation and execution of the policies has not changed the grass root situation to a great extent. On the encouraging front, in the South Asian countries there have been relatively addition economic participation in past one decade. Statistically the rate of literacy among Women has also increased. The educational and occupational patterns have also changed and widened with Women entering the domains, which till decade back was considered to be dominated by men. Further there has been encouraging rise in the division of the Women joining service sector especially Banking and information Technology. In the background of the massive transformation, the core issue, which still remains unanswered, is that of Women's right and empowerment.

The Women ownership are the means by which a dignified living is ensured thereby safeguarding her privileges. Thus the basic basal ownership of speech, free time and decision-making are her basic ownership as an private and citizen. The right for study and employment are indispensable for Women development and national development in the wider sense. The power and free time to exercise these ownership is Women empowerment. Women ownership and empowerment are not independent of each other. The Women empowerment can only be facilitated only if she is able to exercise her right in the socio-economic spheres of decision-making.
An Overview

India, with a people of 989 million, is the world's second most populous country. Of that number, 120 million are Women who live in poverty.

India has 16 percent of the world's population, but only 2.4 percent of its land, resulting in great pressures on its natural resources.

Over 70 percent of India's people currently derives their livelihood from land resources, which includes 84 percent of the economically-active Women.

India is one of the few countries where males significantly outnumber females, and this imbalance has increased over time. India's maternal mortality rates in rural areas are among the worlds highest. From a global perspective, Indian accounts for 19 percent of all lives births and 27 percent of all maternal deaths.

"There seems to be a consensus that higher female mortality between ages one and five and high maternal mortality rates supervene in a deficit of females in the population. In the year 1990 it was estimated that deaths of young girls in India exceed those of young boys by over 300,000 each year, and every sixth infant death is specifically due to gender discrimination." Of the 15 million baby girls born in India each year, nearly 25 percent will not live to see their 15th birthday.
The Indian constitution grants Women equal ownership with men, but strong patriarchal traditions persist, with Women's lives shaped by customs that are centuries old. In most Indian families, a daughter is viewed as a liability, and she is conditioned to believe that she is inferior and subordinate to men. Sons are idolized and celebrated. May you be the mother of a hundred sons is a base Hindu wedding blessing.

The origin of the Indian idea of appropriate female behavior can be traced to the rules laid down by Manu in 200 B.C.: "by a young girl, by a young woman, or even by an aged one, nothing must be done independently, even in her own house". "In childhood a female must be branch to her father, in youth to her husband, when her lord is dead to her sons; a woman must never be independent."

Women Are Malnourished

The exceptionally high rates of malnutrition in South Asia are rooted deeply in the soil of inequality between men and Women.

This point is made in the article, The Asian Enigma, published by Unicef in the 1996 develop of Nations, in which the rates of childhood malnutrition in South Asia are compared with those in Africa. We learn that malnutrition is far worse in South Asia, directly due to the fact that Women in South Asia have less voice and free time of movement than in Africa despite the fact that in comparison to Africa , Asia is far more better in terms of economy.

Maternal Mortality

India's maternal mortality rates in rural areas are among the highest in the world.
A factor that contributes to India's high maternal mortality rate is the reluctance to seek medical care for fertilization - it is viewed as a temporary health that will disappear. The estimates nationwide are that only 40-50 percent of Women receive any antenatal care. Evidence from the states of Bihar, Rajasthan, Orissa, Uttar Pradesh, Maharashtra and Gujarat find registration for maternal and child health services to be as low as 5-22 percent in rural areas and 21-51 percent in urban areas.

Even a woman who has had difficulties with old pregnancies is normally treated with home remedies only for three reasons: the decision that a pregnant woman seek help rests with the mother-in-law and husband; financial considerations; and fear that the rehabilitation may be more harmful than the malady.

Job Impact On Maternal Health

"Working conditions supervene in premature and stillbirths."

The tasks performed by Women are normally those that want them to be in one position for long periods of time, which can adversely influence their reproductive health. A study in a rice-growing belt of coastal Maharashtra found that 40 percent of all infant deaths occurred in the months of July to October. The study also found that a majority of births were whether premature or stillbirths. The study attributed this to the squatting position that had to be assumed while July and August, the rice transplanting months.

Women Are Uneducated

"Women and girls receive far less study than men, due both to public norms and fears of violence."

India has the largest people of non-school-going working girls.

Although substantial develop has been achieved since India won its independence in 1947, when less than 8 percent of females were literate, the gains have not been rapid adequate to keep pace with people growth: there were 16 million more illiterate females in 1991 than in 1981.

Women Are Overworked

"Women work longer hours and their work is more laberious than men's. Still, men report that "Women, like children, eat and do nothing."

Women work roughly twice as many as many hours as men.

Women's offering to agriculture - whether it be subsistence farming or commercial agriculture - when measured in terms of the number of tasks performed and time spent, is greater than men. "The extent of Women's offering is aptly highlighted by a micro study conducted in the Indian Himalayas which found that on a one-hectare farm, a pair of bullocks works 1,064 hours, a man 1,212 hours and a woman 3,485 hours in a year."

The Invisibility Of Women'S Work

Women's work is rarely recognized.

Many allege that Women's economic dependence on men impacts their power within the family. With increased participation in income-earning activities, not only will there be more revenue for the family, but gender inequality should be reduced. This issue is particularly salient in India because studies show a very low level of female participation in the labor force. This under-reporting is attributed to the frequently held view that Women's work is not economically productive.
Women's employment in house farms or businesses is rarely recognized as economically productive, whether by men or Women. And, any revenue generated from this work is ordinarily controlled by the men. Such work is unlikely to increase Women's participation in allocating house finances. In a 1992 study of family-based texile workers, male children who helped in a home-based handloom mill were given pocket money, but the adult Women and girls were not.

Women Are Illtreated

"Violence against Women and girls is the most pervasive human ownership violation in the world today."
"Opening the door on the branch of violence against the world's females is like standing at the threshold of an massive dark room vibrating with public anguish, but with the sounds of protest throttled back to a murmur. Where there should be outrage aimed at an intolerable status quo there is instead denial, and the largely passive acceptance of 'the way things are."

Male violence against Women is a worldwide phenomenon. Although not every woman has experienced it, and many expect not to, fear of violence is an important factor in the lives of most Women. It determines what they do, when they do it, where they do it, and with whom. Fear of violence is a cause of Women's lack of participation in activities beyond the home, as well as inside it. Within the home, Women and girls may be subjected to physical and sexual abuse as punishment or as culturally justified assaults. These acts shape their attitude to life, and their expectations of themselves.

In modern years, there has been an alarming rise in atrocities against Women in India. Every 26 minutes a woman is molested. Every 34 minutes a rape takes place. Every 42 minutes a sexual harassment incident occurs. Every 43 minutes a woman is kidnapped. And every 93 minutes a woman is burnt to death over dowry.

One-quarter of the reported rapes involve girls under the age of 16 but the vast majority are never reported. Although the penalty is severe, convictions are rare.

Women Are Powerless

Legal security of Women's ownership have exiguous supervene in the face of prevailing patriarchal traditions.
Be it in the case of Marriage:

"Women are subordinate in most marriages."

Child Marriages

"Child marriages keep Women subjugated."


Women are kept subordinate, and are even murdered, by the convention of dowry.


Divorce is not a viable option.

Divorce is rare - it is a considered a shameful admission of a woman's failure as a wife and daughter-in-law. In 1990, divorced Women made up a miniscule 0.08 percent of the total female population.

Maintenance ownership of Women in the case of divorce are weak. Although both Hindu and Muslim law recognize the ownership of Women and children to maintenance, in practice, maintenance is rarely set at a adequate number and is frequently violated.


Women's ownership to legacy are exiguous and frequently violated.

In the mid-1950s the Hindu personal laws, which apply to all Hindus, Buddhists, Sikhs and Jains, were overhauled, banning polygamy and giving Women ownership to inheritance, adoption and divorce. The Muslim personal laws differ considerably from that of the Hindus, and permit polygamy. Despite various laws protecting Women's rights, primary patriarchal attitudes still prevail and are strengthened and perpetuated in the home.

Empowerment And Women: changeable In International Development

The World Bank has identified empowerment as one of the key constituent elements of poverty reduction, and as a primary development assistance goal. The Bank has also made gender mainstreaming a priority in development assistance, and is in the process of implementing an ambitious strategy to this effect. The promotion of Women's empowerment as a development goal is based on a dual argument: that public justice is an important aspect of human welfare and is intrinsically worth pursuing; and that Women's empowerment is a means to other ends. A modern course study report by the World Bank, for example, identifies gender equality both as a development objective in itself, and as a means to promote growth, sell out poverty and promote better governance. A similar dual rationale for supporting Women's empowerment has been articulated in the course statements put forth at any high level international conferences in the past decade (e.g. The Beijing Platform for Action, the Beijing notification and resolution, the Cairo Programme of Action, the Millennium Declaration, and the convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women.

Yet to date neither the World Bank nor any other major development agency has industrialized a just recipe for measuring and tracking changes in levels of empowerment. In the absence of such measures, it is difficult for the international development community to be inescapable that their efforts to empower women are succeeding and that this important Millennium development Goal will be achieved.

Thus, this review attempts to the following:

1. An indication of the separate ways in which empowerment has been conceptualized;

2. A indispensable examination of some of the approaches that have been industrialized to part and track changes in Women's empowerment;

3. An examination of some of the ways in which the effects of policies and programmatic interventions to promote Women's empowerment have been measured;

4. A summary of the evidence on how Women's empowerment affects important development outcomes such as health, education, fertility behavior, revenue levels, etc.

How Should Empowerment be Operationally Defined?

"Empowerment" has been used to laid out a wide range of concepts and to review a proliferation of outcomes. The term has been used more often to advocate for inescapable types of policies and intervention strategies than to analyze them, as demonstrated by a number of documents from the United Nations, the connection for Women in Development, the notification made at the Micro-credit Summit, and other organizations. Feminist activist writings often promote empowerment of individuals and organizations of Women but vary in the extent to which they conceptualize or discuss how to recognize it.

Relevant studies review empowerment as "the enhancement of assets and capabilities of diverse individuals and groups to engage, influence and hold accountable the institutions which influence them." In general, Women do not take a central place in much of the literature on public inclusion or empowerment.

The Process of Empowerment

There are various attempts in the literature to make a allembracing insight of empowerment through breaking the process down into key components.

Measuring Women'S Empowerment

Measuring Empowerment from a Universalist Perspective

As we move from a consulation of conceptualizing empowerment to measuring it, it is important to note that measures of empowerment must involve standards that lie outside localized gender systems and a recognition of universal elements of gender subordination.

As we move from a consulation of conceptualizing empowerment to measuring it, it is important to note that measures of empowerment must involve standards that lie outside localized gender systems and a recognition of universal elements of gender subordination (Sen and Grown 1987; Bisnath and Elson 1999; Nussbaum 2000). It is clear from the literature on gender and empowerment that the role of gender in development cannot be understood without insight the socio-cultural (as well as political and economic) contexts in which development takes place. The thought of empowerment only has meaning within these exact contexts. At the same time, operational definitions (e.g. Definitions embodied in indicators to be applied in the context of development assistance policies, programs, and projects) should be consistent with the spirit of international conventions to which countries providing international development assistance have been signatories. The coming based in universal human ownership offers the best operational framework for this task.

Because empowerment is multi-dimensional, researchers must use care in constructing index or scale variables relating to empowerment Such variables may mask differential effects of interventions on inescapable aspects of empowerment. Inappropriate combining of items relating to gender and empowerment may also mask differential effects of the component variables on outcomes of interest.

Challenges To Measuring Empowerment

Empowerment is Context Specific

One of the major difficulties in measuring empowerment is that the behaviors and attributes that signify empowerment in one context often have separate meanings elsewhere. For example, a shift in women's capability to visit a health town without getting permission from a male household member may be a sign of empowerment in rural Bangladesh but not in, for example, urban Peru. Context can also be important in determining the extent to which empowerment at the household or private level is a determinant of development outcomes.

Critical Paradigms

There are inescapable indispensable paradigms, which need to be examined from the point of view of women issues.

1. Constitutional Provisions and Policies: The principle of gender equality is enshrined in the Constitution of India (in the Preamble and basal rights) where by the constitution upholds and grants the equality to women. The National commission for women, which was set up in 1990 through an Act of Parliament to safeguard the ownership and legal entitlements of women, is considered to be the apex body to ensure ownership and work towards the women empowerment. In terms of five-year plans the fifth five-year plan (1974-78) is considered to be very crucial from the point of view of women development with 1975 being declared as International Year of Women.
The 73rd and 74th Amendments of constitution of India in 1993 are landmarks to ensure political empowerment of women. These provisions certainly ensure of legal security of women's rights, but socio-economic ownership of free time and decision-making is still not realized to the extent of public empowerment. One of the reasons is the rigid patriarchal structure of the Indian Society.

National course for the empowerment of women (2001):

The goal of the National course for the empowerment of women is to bring about the advancement, development and empowerment of women. Some of the exact objectives of this course are: a) Creating an environment through inescapable economic and public policies for full development of women to enable them to comprehend their full potential, b) Equal access to health care, capability study at all levels, vocation and vocational guidance etc, c) Elimination of discrimination and all forms of violence against women and girl child.

The course also provides for economic empowerment through poverty eradication, micro credit programmes, training of women to facilitate them in playing effective role in agriculture and industry. The public empowerment of women is facilitated through effective provisions of Education, Health, Nutrition, Drinking water and Sanitation, gender sensitization etc. Elimination of all forms of violence against women, physical and mental, whether at domestic or societal levels, including those arising from customs, traditions and appropriate practices.

The effective implementation of the course at all levels can be a massive step for women development and can set an example for other countries in South Asia.

Women'S Empowerment Issues And Remedies In India

Empowerment of women is a gradual and complex process. It involves changing the way of reasoning of the whole society. From long time it has been stamped on the minds of the people that women are inferior to men. It is not easy to change the stubborn attitude of the people. In rural India, Women have inadequate access to education, health facilities, salutary diet etc.

In India moderately the division of working women is rising. Only by contributing towards revenue of the house the women can get rid of the status of "burden".

Entrepreneur women can certainly conduce to attain the goal of women empowerment. Entrepreneurship provides women for what she is longing for - control over the resources and power of decision making. Such women can help in poverty alleviation by providing job opportunities for many other deserving women.

Surveys have proved that a large division of educated but not trained women are gift in the country. Such women can be given training in a exact field like development homemade papads or pickles, handicrafts and many such things and can start their own small enterprise.

Self-employment is a blessing for poor and deserving women as adequate job opportunities are not available in the country. In small sector, the women may be owner of the firm may be a manager or controller or may be a employee in the enterprise.

Tenth plan is initiating women empowerment by implementing exact strategies like such public environment would be created by providing indispensable services so that women would be proficient to use their potential, To make the women economically self-reliant, permissible training would be provided to them. Equal ownership for the women would be provided so that there is no social, political discrimination against her.

In the gift scenario, where extraordinary advancements are occurring in each and every sphere, women empowerment has come to be crucial for alleviating poverty and procuring over all growth.
We can not abscond the fact that Women's ownership are human ownership and should be treated as such. .The fact that women's ownership need to be safeguarded in every country of the world cannot be overemphasized. In a historic decision, the Rajasthan government is changing the service rules to punish employees who are found guilty of torturing their wives. As reported in a national daily, the punishment could involve sacking and action would correspond the crime, with punishments including suspension and arresting of increments.

A small step send in terms of marriage was taken when the Hindu Marriage Act was enacted in 1955. The term Hindu in this case includes Buddhists, Jains, Sikhs and their denominations. any laws have been enacted including the Child Marriage Restraint Act of 1929 and the current special Marriage Act,1954 which governs civil marriages. In this Act, for a boy and girl to get married they must have completed 21 and 18 years of age respectively. Bigamy is prohibited in this Act and each party is anticipated to give consent to the marriage. For a civil marriage, three witnesses are necessary. Progressive laws such as these safe the woman. Under the Islamic law, marriage is considered a compact and a nikaah is performed with any do's and don'ts. The Parsis are governed by the Parsi Marriage and divorce Act, 1936. Christians are governed by the Christian Marriage Act, 1872 and the marriage normally takes place in a church.

The report on the convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (Cedaw) released by the Government recently mentions the steps taken by it to consist of the negative impact of restructuring of the economy that India has embarked upon. The Government of India made special efforts to increase its withhold for public sectors and started a number of schemes aimed at the poor, particularly poor women and women in the informal sector. These consist of the Rashtriya Mahila Kosh and the Mahila Samakhya programs.

Keeping in line with the governmentýs course on equal opportunity, there are 65 women in senior positions in the Indian Foreign service around the world. For the first time after Independence the highest post in the Foreign Service, is to be occupied by a female foreign secretary, Chokila Iyer. It is commendable that despite various hurdles and mindsets, the Government has managed to ensure equal vocation opportunities for women.

The government has taken a number of steps and enacted a number of legislations to safe and safeguard women and ensure that their ownership are not abused. One such part is the Maternity Benefits Act, 1961.


We recommend the following next steps for engaging send the agenda on measuring women's empowerment:

1. development of a framework of domains or dimensions that can be applied over settings would be the natural next step for building on the strengths of the existing literature on the conceptualization of empowerment. Procedures for determining indicators for each domain, at separate levels of aggregation, and over contexts, should also be developed. This effort would move the measurement of women's empowerment agenda send considerably by allowing for greater specification of exactly what aspect of empowerment-i.e. Which dimension-is of interest, and realistic specifications of the type of change that can be anticipated over a exact duration of time, and given exact interventions. It would also move send efforts to make context-specific measures that more closely seem what they are meant to part and sell out the trust on proxy measures.

2. Better, more coordinated efforts at data collection are needed. For example, the process component of women's empowerment cannot be effectively captured in any measurement project without the availability of data over time. attentiveness to process also requires a consulation of the appropriate time periods for data collection of various types of indicators. At the blend level, a broader range of more sophisticated, gender- disaggregated data are needed with regard to the labor force, store conditions, legal and political rights, political and public processes. At the household level, data need to be more frequently collected for important, but relatively under-utilized indicators such as time use or violence against women.

3. Greater attentiveness to measuring women's empowerment at "meso" levels is required along with efforts at documenting the impact of agenda and course interventions. For programmatic and course evaluation, existing models of monitoring and appraisal that are effective need to be tapped, and their adequacy for women's empowerment as an outcome or intermediary process should be assessed. At a minimum, quasi-experimental appraisal designs and the collection of baseline and endline data must be considered in implementing programs aimed at empowering women. measurement of institutional and normative change in communities requires new and innovative approaches. One coming to reconsider is the firm school model of case studies. Documentation through narratives which are then analyzed using qualitative techniques would be an additional one option. Exploration of the work on public action may also furnish Further guidance. This is clearly an area where a review of lessons learned from connected efforts and cross- disciplinary approaches would be helpful.

4. Greater interdisciplinary engagement is indispensable to make indicators and approaches that capture the key elements of women's empowerment, have scientific merit, and acceptability among important stakeholders. Although at this stage we have drawn only from literature that has been at the core of the discourse on women's empowerment, it is clear that prolonged efforts at engaging this work send would benefit from drawing on a wide range of disciplines. Moreover, based on what we reviewed from sociology, demography, economics, and anthropology, it is clear that there is overlap, but not much interaction over disciplines. Further interdisciplinary engagement would greatly facilitate the task of translating the current consensus on conceptualization to the actual measurement of women's empowerment.


As Un Secretary normal Kofi Annan has stated, "Gender equality is more than a goal in itself. It is a precondition for meeting the challenge of reducing poverty, promoting sustainable development and building good governance."

In a globalizing world, gender equality and empowerments of women are vital tools-to perform sustainable developments of societies, and are even admitted by the fools!
Still, the violence towards women is an epidemic against which no country is immune-
And today, we face the greater challenges of human ownership and a non-melodious tune!
In the arena of politics, the poor are excluded from governance, regardless of the gender- And women are victims of other people's decisions 'Cause they are assumed to be tender! So the whole spectrum of women's roles to combat poverty, hunger, and disease- Need to be re-examined under the new Millennium lights before the roles decease! Impacts of modern conflicts now influence the global women and girls without a doubt- But they're neither initiators nor prosecutors of conflicts, or matching game of shout! considered efforts must be taken to end the impunity surrounding this lamentable claw- And the perpetrators must be brought to justice, and told that they are not above the law!

Only through action to remedy discrimination against women can the vision of India's independence - an India where all people have the opportunity to live health and effective lives - be realized.

Women Empowerment - Myth Or Reality

Friday, December 30, 2011

Obama You can keep your doctor

Obama You can keep your doctor Video Clips. Duration : 0.28 Mins.

During his Aug. 15, 2009 Weekly Address, President Obama repeated the lie that Americans will be able to keep their current health insurance if his health care reforms are passed.

Keywords: Obama, Health Care, Lies, hopeandfail

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Chris Donovan Addresses Health Care Supporters at Union Station Rally

Chris Donovan Addresses Health Care Supporters at Union Station Rally Tube. Duration : 0.87 Mins.

House Speaker Donovan told hundreds rallying for SustiNet and health care reforms that work will continue to expand access, improve care and achieve cost savings. "We're going to continue to work with the supporters of health care improvements and SustiNet here in Connecticut to make reform stronger and stronger." The march and rally was organized by the Universal Health Care Foundation of Connecticut and included hundreds of residents, businesses and community leaders from across the state. For more info:

Tags: Speaker Donovan, Rep Chris Donovan, CT House Democrats, CT Health Care, sustinet, Healthcare4every1, cthouse, Democrats

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

The Challenges of Human resource administration


The role of the Human resource owner is evolving with the convert in competitive store environment and the realization that Human resource supervision must play a more strategic role in the success of an organization. Organizations that do not put their emphasis on attracting and retaining talents may find themselves in dire consequences, as their competitors may be outplaying them in the strategic employment of their human resources.

Health Care Reforms

With the growth in competition, locally or globally, organizations must come to be more adaptable, resilient, agile, and customer-focused to succeed. And within this convert in environment, the Hr pro has to evolve to come to be a strategic partner, an laborer sponsor or advocate, and a convert mentor within the organization. In order to succeed, Hr must be a firm driven function with a appropriate comprehension of the organization's big photograph and be able to influence key decisions and policies. In general, the focus of today's Hr owner is on strategic personnel holding and talents development. Hr professionals will be coaches, counselors, mentors, and succession planners to help motivate organization's members and their loyalty. The Hr owner will also promote and fight for values, ethics, beliefs, and spirituality within their organizations, especially in the supervision of workplace diversity.

The Challenges of Human resource administration

This paper will highlight on how a Hr owner can meet the challenges of workplace diversity, how to motivate employees straight through gain-sharing and administrative facts law straight through permissible planning, organizing, prominent and controlling their human resources.

Workplace Diversity

According to Thomas (1992), dimensions of workplace diversity include, but are not minute to: age, ethnicity, ancestry, gender, corporal abilities/qualities, race, sexual orientation, educational background, geographic location, income, marital status, forces experience, religious beliefs, parental status, and work experience.

The Challenges of Workplace Diversity

The time to come success of any organizations relies on the quality to conduct a diverse body of talent that can bring innovative ideas, perspectives and views to their work. The challenge and problems faced of workplace diversity can be turned into a strategic organizational asset if an organization is able to capitalize on this melting pot of diverse talents. With the compound of talents of diverse cultural backgrounds, genders, ages and lifestyles, an organization can write back to firm opportunities more rapidly and creatively, especially in the global arena (Cox, 1993), which must be one of the prominent organisational goals to be attained. More importantly, if the organizational environment does not preserve diversity broadly, one risks losing talent to competitors.

This is especially true for multinational fellowships (Mncs) who have operations on a global scale and hire habitancy of dissimilar countries, ethical and cultural backgrounds. Thus, a Hr owner needs to be mindful and may hire a 'Think Global, Act Local' arrival in most circumstances. The challenge of workplace diversity is also prevalent surrounded by Singapore's Small and Medium Enterprises (Smes). With a habitancy of only four million habitancy and the nation's strive towards high technology and knowledge-based economy; foreign talents are lured to share their expertise in these areas. Thus, many local Hr managers have to experience cultural-based Human resource supervision training to further their abilities to motivate a group of pro that are very considerable but culturally diverse. Furthermore, the Hr pro must assure the local professionals that these foreign talents are not a threat to their career advancement (Toh, 1993). In many ways, the effectiveness of workplace diversity supervision is dependent on the skilful balancing act of the Hr manager.

One of the main reasons for ineffective workplace diversity supervision is the predisposition to pigeonhole employees, placing them in a dissimilar silo based on their diversity profile (Thomas, 1992). In the real world, diversity cannot be nothing else but categorized and those organizations that write back to human complexity by leveraging the talents of a broad workforce will be the most efficient in growing their businesses and their buyer base.

The supervision of Workplace Diversity

In order to effectively conduct workplace diversity, Cox (1993) suggests that a Hr owner needs to convert from an ethnocentric view ("our way is the best way") to a culturally relative perspective ("let's take the best of a collection of ways"). This shift in doctrine has to be ingrained in the managerial framework of the Hr owner in his/her planning, organizing, prominent and controlling of organizational resources.

As recommend by Thomas (1992) and Cox (1993), there are several best practices that a Hr owner can adopt in ensuring efficient supervision of workplace diversity in order to attain organizational goals. They are:

Planning a Mentoring Program-

One of the best ways to cope workplace diversity issues is straight through initiating a Diversity Mentoring Program. This could entail inviting dissimilar departmental managers in a mentoring schedule to coach and contribute feedback to employees who are dissimilar from them. In order for the schedule to run successfully, it is wise to contribute practical training for these managers or seek help from consultants and experts in this field. Usually, such a schedule will encourage organization's members to air their opinions and learn how to decide conflicts due to their diversity. More importantly, the purpose of a Diversity Mentoring schedule seeks to encourage members to move beyond their own cultural frame of reference to identify and take full benefit of the productivity possible possible in a diverse population.

Organizing Talents Strategically-

Many fellowships are now realizing the advantages of a diverse workplace. As more and more fellowships are going global in their store expansions whether physically or virtually (for example, E-commerce-related companies), there is a necessity to hire diverse talents to understand the various niches of the market. For example, when China was chance up its markets and exporting their products globally in the late 1980s, the Chinese fellowships (such as China's electronic giants such as Haier) were seeking the marketing expertise of Singaporeans. This is because Singapore's marketing talents were able to understand the local China markets relatively well (almost 75% of Singaporeans are of Chinese descent) and as well as being attuned to the markets in the West due to Singapore's open economic policies and English language abilities. (Toh, R, 1993)

With this trend in place, a Hr owner must be able to organize the pool of diverse talents strategically for the organization. He/She must think how a diverse workforce can enable the firm to attain new markets and other organizational goals in order to harness the full possible of workplace diversity.

An organization that sees the existence of a diverse workforce as an organizational asset rather than a liability would indirectly help the organization to nothing else but take in its pace some of the less safe bet aspects of workforce diversity.

Leading the Talk-

A Hr owner needs to advocate a diverse workforce by production diversity obvious at all organizational levels. Otherwise, some employees will speedily discontinue that there is no time to come for them in the company. As the Hr Manager, it is pertinent to show respect for diversity issues and promote clear and safe bet responses to them. He/She must also show a high level of commitment and be able to decide issues of workplace diversity in an ethical and responsible manner.

Control and quantum Results-

A Hr owner must conduct quarterly organizational assessments on issues like pay, benefits, work environment, supervision and promotional opportunities to correlate the develop over the long term. There is also a need to organize appropriate measuring tools to quantum the impact of diversity initiatives at the organization straight through organization-wide feedback surveys and other methods. Without permissible operate and evaluation, some of these diversity initiatives may just fizzle out, without resolving any real problems that may exterior due to workplace diversity.

Motivational Approaches

Workplace motivation can be defined as the influence that makes us do things to accomplish organizational goals: this is a ensue of our individual needs being satisfied (or met) so that we are motivated to faultless organizational tasks effectively. As these needs vary from someone to person, an organization must be able to utilize dissimilar motivational tools to encourage their employees to put in the required effort and growth productivity for the company.

Why do we need motivated employees? The write back is survival (Smith, 1994). In our changing workplace and competitive store environments, motivated employees and their contributions are the needful currency for an organization's survival and success. Motivational factors in an organizational context include working environment, job characteristics, appropriate organizational bonus law and so on.

The improvement of an appropriate organizational bonus law is probably one of the strongest motivational factors. This can influence both job satisfaction and laborer motivation. The bonus law affects job satisfaction by production the laborer more comfortable and contented as a ensue of the rewards received. The bonus law influences motivation primarily straight through the perceived value of the rewards and their contingency on operation (Hickins, 1998).

To be effective, an organizational bonus law should be based on sound comprehension of the motivation of habitancy at work. In this paper, I will be touching on the one of the more beloved methods of bonus systems, gain-sharing.


Gain-sharing programs generally refer to incentive plans that involve employees in a common effort to enhance organizational performance, and are based on the belief that the resulting incremental economic gains are shared among employees and the company.

In most cases, workers voluntarily share in supervision to accept accountability for major reforms. This type of pay is based on factors directly under a worker's operate (i.e., productivity or costs). Gains are measured and distributions are made oftentimes straight through a predetermined formula. Because this pay is only implemented when gains are achieved, gain-sharing plans do not adversely influence firm costs (Paulsen, 1991).

Managing Gain-sharing

In order for a gain-sharing schedule that meets the minimum requirements for success to be in place, Paulsen (1991) and Boyett (1988) have recommend a few pointers in the efficient supervision of a gain-sharing program. They are as follows:

A Hr owner must ensure that the habitancy who will be participating in the plan are influencing the operation measured by the gain-sharing formula in a needful way by changes in their day-to-day behavior. The main idea of the gain sharing is to motivate members to growth productivity straight through their behavioral changes and working attitudes. If the growth in the operation determination was due to external factors, then it would have defeated the purpose of having a gain-sharing program. An efficient owner must ensure that the gain-sharing targets are inviting but legitimate and attainable. In addition, the targets should be definite and inviting but reasonable and justifiable given the historical performance, the firm strategy and the competitive environment. If the gain-sharing participants realize the target as an impossibility and are not motivated at all, the whole schedule will be a disaster. A owner must contribute beneficial feedback as a guidance to the gain-sharing participants about how they need to convert their behavior(s) to realize gain-sharing payouts The feedback should be frequent, objective and clearly based on the members' operation in relation to the gain-sharing target. A owner must have an efficient mechanism in place to allow gain-sharing participants to originate changes in work procedures and methods and/or requesting new or further resources such as new technology to enhance operation and realize gains. Though a owner must have a tight operate of company's resources, reasonable and justifiable requests for further resources and/or changes in work methods from gain-sharing participants should be considered.

Executive facts Systems

Executive facts law (Eis) is the most common term used for the unified collections of computer hardware and software that track the needful data of a business' daily operation and gift it to managers as an aid to their planning and decision-making (Choo, 1991). With an Eis in place, a firm can track inventory, sales, and receivables, correlate today's data with historical patterns. In addition, an Eis will aid in spotting needful variations from "normal" trends almost as soon as it develops, giving the firm the maximum amount of time to make decisions and implement required changes to put your firm back on the right track. This would enable Eis to be a beneficial tool in an organization's strategic planning, as well as day-to-day supervision (Laudon, K and Laudon, J, 2003).

Managing Eis

As facts is the basis of decision-making in an organization, there lies a great need for efficient managerial control. A good operate law would ensure the transportation of the right facts at the right time and relayed to the right habitancy to take prompt actions.

When managing an administrative facts System, a Hr owner must first find out exactly what facts decision-makers would like to have ready in the field of human resource management, and then to include it in the Eis. This is because having habitancy plainly use an Eis that lacks needful facts is of no value-add to the organization. In addition, the owner must ensure that the use of facts technology has to be brought into alignment with strategic firm goals (Laudon, K and Laudon, J, 2003).


The role of the Hr owner must parallel the needs of the changing organization. Victorious organizations are becoming more adaptable, resilient, quick to convert directions, and customer-centered. Within this environment, the Hr pro must learn how to conduct effectively straight through planning, organizing, prominent and controlling the human resource and be knowledgeable of emerging trends in training and laborer development.

The Challenges of Human resource administration

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Free Immigration Lawyer - Free guidance on the Net

You can get a free immigration lawyer on the net who gives you free advice on immigration matters. You can also fill up the free application form given on the website, for a free evaluation of your candidature, for migration in a definite category. You do not have to pay a particular penny for this service. It is also very prominent that you choose your online immigration lawyer after taking an interview of as many lawyers as you possibly can. You should not file your application unless you find the exquisite attorney to deal with your case.

Selection Of A Lawyer Depends On You

Health Care Reforms

It is not primary for you to appoint only a free immigration lawyer giving you free advice if you do not find his services up to the mark. Your best migration lawyer has to be a person who has all the answers to your queries and takes the very best care to put up a solid case for your migration in front of the visa officer. It becomes easier for you to make your choice of the legal representative when you go to the office of the lawyer. If you get a courteous welcome, ample time to put transmit your points of view, kind arrival towards fixing of immigration fees and prompt response to your confirmation, you can be sure that you have come to the right place.

Free Immigration Lawyer - Free guidance on the Net

If you are curious in migration, the first thing you should do is to find a website contribution free lawyer. You should try to find out on this site, by filling the application form, either you qualify to apply for immigration. If you get a certain response only then you should go about taking interviews of prospective migration lawyers. You should pose as many questions you can to your immigration lawyer.

Try to take off all your premonitions and doubts with your free immigration attorney, so that you can be more certain of the success of your migration application. This also helps in bringing out any incommunicable problems which you would have missed otherwise. You should not delay in choosing your migration attorney once your candidature is approved. It is inherent your case may be a demanding one which may take a few months in processing. If you go at the last minute, you may lose a good occasion to change your status or apply for immigration and there may be great frustration for you and your family.

Free Immigration Lawyer - Free guidance on the Net

Monday, December 26, 2011

Economic Status of the United States in 1950


Emerging prosperous from World War Ii five years earlier, the United States in 1950 was reaping the benefits of a growing economy - benefits that were surely derived out of the country's participation in the War. The destruction and mayhem brought by the global disagreement also brought with it any obvious contributions to the economy. Some would even argue that the country's participation in World War Ii surely saved it from the Great Depression.

Health Care Reforms

To understand the economic boom of the 1950s it is indispensable to appreciate the obvious impacts that were borne out of World War Ii. The foundation for the economic expansion and growth experienced in 1950 and any years after that were laid during World War Ii.

Economic Status of the United States in 1950

To fund and preserve the country's war time efforts, it had to recruit millions of American soldiers to be sent to the war front as well as to be stationed at home. Factories had to be built to yield war materiel - guns and ammunitions, soldiery transport, tanks, fighter planes and bombers, etc. To man the factories women and older population had to be recruited as most of the able-bodied men were at war. Wwii created jobs and gave life to many industries and energized a nation. Among the industries that prospered during and immediately after the war were the newspaper industry, the agriculture manufactures and even Hollywood. Industries that produced transport and plant machineries also prospered. Throughout the War, women, for the first time, were given the opening to work exterior their homes and partake in nation building. The participation of the women in the labor force started to growth during this time.

The War also in case,granted opportunities that would later be manifested in the 1950s. Take for example many of America's products went overseas - introducing themselves to new markets.

Many had surely feared that the end of the War would lead the country back to depression. With production of soldiery supplies coming to an end, this fear had its basis - for the entire economy was propped up by all that had to do with the global conflict.
Fortunately, this was not the case. The victory relished by the nation brought about confidence in the government and the economy. The common consumer best exhibited this confidence as the strong consumer examine spurred economic growth after the War.

Leading towards the 1950s, industries that experienced a surge in growth included the automobile manufactures and the housing industry, and new industries experienced marvelous births - industries such as aviation and electronics.

There was also someone else outcome of Wwii that contributed to post War growth - the Cold War between U.S. And the U.S.S.R.

Many of the soldiery industries that sprouted during the war prolonged to do big firm after it. As communist block emerged as a soldiery power in Europe, America had to arm itself against what it carefully as a threat. Huge investments were made in the defense of the country. Such investments meant jobs, factories, huge spending - all contributed to the boom of the 1950s.

The economic success of the country probably influenced its leaders to advocate the replication of an open economy at the international level. This is best evidenced by the country's spearheading the establishment of the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank.

Gross Domestic stock and Per Capita Gdp

In 1950, the country's Gdp was at 3.8 Billion (in current dollars). At that time, Per Capita Gdp was ,573.00 - development the United States the estimate one country world wide in this aspect. By 1996, Gdp was at .194 Trillion. Per Capita Gdp was at ,800.00 - however, the country ranked only at 10th place world wide in this respect.

Post World War Ii scenario showed that too few economies survive the war while a great majority, especially in Europe, was greatly affected. Many developments starting in the late 1970s toward the early 2000s enabled other countries to overtake the U.S. In terms of Per Capita Gdp.

As Per Capita Gdp is influenced by population, countries that had indispensable economic growth coupled with low birth rate were able to surpass the U.S. In this indicator. However, the U.S. Remains the most noteworthy economy in 2007 taking into notice other indicators.

Employment and Unemployment

In 1950, the civilian labor force was about 58 million strong. Only 5.3 percent of the labor force was unemployed. 41.6 million of the labor force at that time were males, while only 17.34 million were females. By 1996, the labor force grew to about 142 million while unemployment rate as at 5 percent. 76 million were males while 66 million were females in the labor force. In the 1950s, the estimate of workers in the services sector caught up with workers in goods production industries. The same time also saw the rise of white-collar jobs and the strengthening of labor unions. Awareness on labor possession was on a rise. The biggest impact experienced by the labor force was the growth in women's participation in employment activities. Accordingly, women have surely poured into the labor force starting in 1950. By 1990, women's participation in the labor force would nearly double. On the other hand, men's participation would drop over time.

Per Capita Personal Income

In 1950 the Per Capita Personal earnings was pegged at ,501.00. By 2006 this rose to about ,600.00. Though marked by huge difference in amount, it can be noted that ,501.00 in 1950 could by more goods and services than the ,600 in 2006 as illustrated by the Cpi rates for both years.

Consumer Price Index and Inflation

With 1967 as base year, Cpi in 1950 was registered at 72.1 - meaning that a basket of goods and services bought in 1950 were 72.1 percent of the price of the same goods and services bought in 1967. By 2006, the Cpi was at 603.5. This meant that the same basket of goods and services bought in 1967 would cost 603.5 percent more in 2006. Inflation rate in 1950 was at a steady 1.09 percent. In 2006 the rate was at 3.24 percent.

Emerging Industries

1950 saw the emergence of new industries that were anchored on new technologies. Among these is the aerospace industry. The great success of the heavy bombers during the war emphasized significance on innovation. Improvements in motor design, metallurgy, and arms technology helped develop the manufactures as well as improve manufacturing procedures.

The onset of the Cold War ensured that the manufactures was there to stay. At its peak, the manufactures hired hundreds of thousands of workers in four major factories. The manufactures was also fueled by a billion government spending.

Other industries that grew during this time were boosted by other industries. Take for instance the housing boom experienced after war. New homes meant supplementary furniture and appliances as well as new cars. The consumer-led growth likewise spread to other areas. The introduction of television to the masses spurred the growth in electronics.
There were also after effects in the growth of industries. As the examine for homes and cars increased, many Americans were lured out of central cities to the suburbs. The construction of best highways also contributed to these phenomena.
Farmers though were facing tough times. As population left farm lands, lesser population were left behind to do farm work. This led to a drop in the productivity of the farm sector.

Innovations and the Transformation of Business

At a personal level, 1950 saw the introduction of the first hand held T.V. Remote control - a expedient that would be seen as a necessity in many households for years to come. Color Tv also emerged thru the issuance of a license to Cbs Network. someone else innovation is the introduction of the first prestige card - Diners - also an item that would come over as a necessity in contemporary times.

The first pagers were also advanced in 1950.

In the firm front, 1950 would usher in an era marked by consolidation of large companies. Businesses would integrate to originate bigger, greater businesses. Example, International Telephone and Telegraph bought Sheraton Hotels, Continental Banking, Hartford Fire Insurance, Avis Rent-a-Car, and other companies.

Notable Events and Personalities

Notable events of 1950 included the following:

Start of the Korean War - influenced greatly by the U.S. And Ussr at opposite sides, North and South Korea would tangle in a three-year war that highlighted the tension during Cold War regime.

Development of the Hydrogen Bomb - raged by the atomic bomb testing by Ussr, the government pursued the improvement of a hydrogen bomb.

Senator Joseph McCarthy - started the Red Scare in halls of the U.S. Senate - development accusations that the State department was filled with Communists or their sympathizers. The Senator's actions led to the adoption of the term McCarthyism - describing intense anti-Communists sentiments.

This duration coincided with and fueled the onset of the Cold War between America and the Ussr. Thousands of Americans were accused of being Communists or sympathizers during this time - Americans in varied sectors of the society. History would later judge these accusations as reckless and baseless. While Senator McCarthy gained indispensable media mileage at the start of his "campaigns," he would be later unmasked as a grandstanding antic who had petite or no evidence to back up his accusations. Many of the population Senator McCarthy accused suffered greatly. Many loss their jobs, had their careers ruined while some were even unjustly imprisoned.


The end of World War Ii led to the end of the Great Depression and the start of a long duration of economic expansion through the 1950s. It is quite ironical that the most destructive war in history would lead to the emergence of the strongest and biggest economy in the world. The confidence on the economy was obviously brought about by the country's victory in the War. Tempered by strong collaboration between the government, businesses and the consumers, the U.S. Emerged from the War a lot stronger and economically strengthened. Market expansion during wartime brought economic impetus that would be carried on even after Wwii. The fact that most of the major economies were slow to recover from the after effects of the disagreement settled the United States at absolute and relative advantage over both its allies and its enemies.

Economic Status of the United States in 1950

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Commonsense Health Care Reforms

Commonsense Health Care Reforms Video Clips. Duration : 1.20 Mins.

Keywords: Fortenberry, Congress, Health, Care, Commonsense, Reform, Politics, US, House, of, Representatives, Jeff

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Reform Health Care the Right Way

Reform Health Care the Right Way Tube. Duration : 0.52 Mins.

The current health care reforms proposed by Congress are deeply flawed. Tell Congress to slow down and reform health care the right way.

Keywords: healthcare, reform, USCC

Friday, December 23, 2011

Rudy Giuliani - Market-Based Healthcare Reform

Rudy Giuliani - Market-Based Healthcare Reform Video Clips. Duration : 5.40 Mins.

Complete video at: Former mayor of New York City and current Republican Presidential candidate Rudy Giuliani discusses his views on healthcare reform. ----- New York mayor Rudolph Giuliani spoke of reinvention, reinvigoration, and strategies to bring greater freedom to Americans when he spoke on Monday at a meeting of the Hoover Institution Board of Overseers in Washington, DC Complimenting the Hoover Institution on its mission and work, Guiliani told the 250 overseers and guests in attendance that "[Hoover] had made it possible for a whole new way of looking at government. You have given us intellectual depth and created change in the way we look at the interplay between government and the private sector." Giuliani discussed the need for the Republican Party to remake and redefine itself in order to meet the challenges of the 21st century. "In redefining ourselves, we have to give people more freedom," he said. He also discussed at length the careful and strategic management of taxation, education reforms, and entitlement reforms, all of which can and should provide greater freedom to citizens, he said. - Hoover Institution

Tags: mayor, nyc, ny, guliani, rudy, rudolph, president, cantidate, candidate, republican, health, care, clinton, 9/11, 911, fora, tv,, foratv

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Senator Johnson Makes the Case for Health Care Reform on Senate Floor

Senator Johnson Makes the Case for Health Care Reform on Senate Floor Tube. Duration : 4.37 Mins.

Senator Johnson Makes the Case for Health Care Reform on Senate Floor

Keywords: Senator, Johnson

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Health Care Reform with Michael Moore

Health Care Reform with Michael Moore Tube. Duration : 8.43 Mins.

Health Care Reform with Michael Moore. Michael Moore's view on US Health Care Reform.

Tags: Health Care, Health Care Reform, Townhall Meeting, Michael Moore, US Health Care, Obama Health Care Reform, Reform, Public Option, Obama Care, Canada Health Care, Barack Obama, Haileo, 20

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Williams: We Don't Want Washington Stepping On Our Toes

Williams: We Don't Want Washington Stepping On Our Toes Video Clips. Duration : 0.52 Mins.

Tennessee House Speaker Kent Williams, I-Elizabethton, talks about two bills that work to block the federal health care reforms.

Tags: Kent William, House Speaker, Tennessee, Legislature, Heathcare reform, tnreporttv

Monday, December 19, 2011

4/24/07 - Michael Cannon on Free Market Health Care (Part 5)

4/24/07 - Michael Cannon on Free Market Health Care (Part 5) Tube. Duration : 6.42 Mins.

Part 5 of 5 April 24th, 2007 The Commonwealth Foundation Policies and Principles Luncheon Health Care Reform: Free Markets v. Socialized Medicine Michael Cannon, director of health policy studies at the Cato Institute, discusses free-market health care reforms that Pennsylvania policymakers should adopt. Most recently Cannon co-authored the book Health Competition: What's Holding Back Health Care and How To Free It

Tags: Michael, Cannon, Cato, Commonwealth, Foundation, Pennsylvania, Health, care, Rendell, FDN

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Did You Even Read The Health Care Bill?

Did You Even Read The Health Care Bill? Tube. Duration : 0.53 Mins.

More like, "Did you read the Health Care Insurance Reform Bill? Polls show that over 90% of the people polled have insurance and are satisfied with their health care. Furthermore, fully 79 percent think if health care legislation is passed they personally will pay more in taxes, 1 percent think their taxes will decrease and 18 percent expect no change. Large majorities of those living in both higher income and lower income households believe their taxes will go up. Nearly half of Americans (45 percent) think the quality of their family's health care would be worse under the current proposed reforms. That is significantly higher than the number (29 percent) who say they would get better quality health care under the proposed plans. Another 17 percent expect no difference. Also on the personal level, some 58 percent think health care reforms would cost them money -- that's twice the number who say the reforms would save them money (24 percent). Another reason for the public's hesitancy in embracing reform is that people are pretty happy with their current health care arrangements, and other issues are seen as more important. Most Americans say they have health care insurance (91 percent), and a large 84 percent majority rates the quality of their insurance as excellent or good. Moreover, more than 8 in 10 (83 percent) rate the quality of the health care they currently receive as excellent or good. And if they were sick or seriously ill, most ...

Tags: Americans, For, Prosperity, Conservative, Ad, Did, You, Read, The, Bill, obamacare, pelosicare, liberal, barack, hussein, obama, nancy, Bela, pelosi, harry, Dingy, reid, lefties, Rush, Reform, Healthcare, Health, Care, Already, Known, As

Saturday, December 17, 2011

difficulty Accepting change in the Workplace

We are the slaves of our habits. We get up at the same time every day, we dress in relatively the same manner, we tie our shoe laces in the same fashion, and we mostly like to eat the same breakfast each day.

People will resist changes, if they do not immediately like their new job, new role, or new working conditions.

Health Care Reforms

They may pick to convert by altering their behaviour and their working patterns.

difficulty Accepting change in the Workplace

In rare cases, there are some citizen who pick to accept all the changes without any protest or resentment, but this is not the norm.

People Do resist changes: they Do Not like to get out of their relieve zones.

Many citizen leave their jobs as they are unable to cope with the new changes that their job demands:

o travelling long distances to work as a result of re-location

o reporting to more than one boss as a result of requirement to work on multiple projects

o being unable to work with a new team as a result of a merger, especially if that team has been together for some time

o no longer working with the old peer group

o not doing the work which they liked and instead obliged to do something less intriguing or pleasing

o being resentful towards a convert in procedure which directly affects the conditions under which they now have to work

o Other changes which make it impossible to continue with the new job, such as

"I do not like to voyage a lot to get to work! The office is too far now."

"I do not like my new boss."

"I do not like my team members". "I loved my old group of peers!"

"I do not find my work intriguing anymore"

These are just a few instances.

The reasons to resist changes at workplace may be innumerable.

Human psychology is very complicated and human behaviour is totally unpredictable.

Adjusting to changes means compromising the predictability linked with the old ways.

It may also mean losing your old identity, losing old relationships, and facing the uncertainty of something new.

The 'future' is all the time uncertain and citizen prefer to experience the 'present'.

RiseSmart, a job crusade site, found that almost 30% (one in three) citizen already employed spend an hour a day finding for a new job.

So, we can stop that most citizen have a resistance to changes in the workplace as they are used to determined habits, relieve zones and paradigms.

The key is to break the cycle of habits and adopt and adapt to new changes.

This paradigm shift can only occur if you convert your mindset and way of reasoning about the notion of convert in the workplace.

Any factor that upsets our habit tends to upsets us. We make a habit of taking the same route to work every day and we want to work on what we are used to each day.

Even with a puny convert in our work routines, we come to be upset.

Why are we the slaves of our habits?
Why can we not be daring and do something different each day?
Why do we see citizen constantly resist convert in their workplace?

The answers to these questions and concerns are not easy.

We feel get following set patterns in our personal and pro lives.

Our minds are conditioned to determined ways and we find it comforting to do exactly what we know we have to do.

That is why we resist change; we like keeping within our relieve zone.

It has been said that your place of work is like your second home.

You have a determined job profile and your duties and responsibilities fir into in that mould.

You knows what your employer expects from you and how you have to work and interact with your team-mates.

Some of the factors that can cause changes in your work environment are:

1. A convert in your job title

This, of course, means that your duties could completely convert and you may need to upgrade your skills.

2. Working with a new boss or being part of a new team

Everyone gets used to the relieve of predictable group dynamics and find it daunting when there are changes.

3. Changes in policies that work on your work and processes

This is particularly difficult when the changes have been made from above without any input from you or your immediate colleagues.

4. A convert in your job location, work hours, working conditions and your pay

Relocation seems to be becoming prevalent.

Accepting flexible working hours to fit in with clients in other parts of the world are also on the rise.

Synonymous with this are also changed working conditions.

5. A convert due to a merger, takeover, or a diversification

This last point is the most difficult to come to terms with if it is your business that is being merged with another.

If you possess and habitualise behavioural and reasoning flexibility, you will be in full control and even enjoy changes when you are part of them.

difficulty Accepting change in the Workplace

Friday, December 16, 2011

Barack Obama have to rush with all Communist Health Care Reforms before Idiots wake up

Barack Obama have to rush with all Communist Health Care Reforms before Idiots wake up Tube. Duration : 5.48 Mins.

Song "I Am The One You've Been Waiting For" by Rafael Brom www.marianland.comRadio stations which play music of Rafael Brom (Free MP3 Downloads): Today, Marxism-Leninism represents a most complex and powerful doctrine developed by Communist theoreticians and practitioners in every corner of the world. 'Its universal library offers dynamic political weapons and comprehensive theories, diversified approaches and seductive slogans. On one side of the globe, there is the Yugoslav moderate theory of reformed Communism and participative economy which lures masses into socialism. On the other side of the earth there are Chinese slogans which are more productive in inflaming a Communist revolution. Marxism-Leninism is particularly effective on the semantic level where it exhibits a devastating duality. It lulls its adversaries to sleep, while at the same time it mobilizes its followers to revolutionary action. The Communist International's Seventh Congress concluded that open use of revolutionary terminology does not promote the Marxist-Leninist drive for world domination. Therefore, "revolution" has been changed into "liberation," "world conquest by the proletariat" has speen changed into "peace and socialism," "armed seizure of power and liquidation of the bourgeoisie" has been rephrased to read "peaceful and gradual transition to socialism.'' Even the word "Communism," which every revolutionary is so proud of, has been changed into "progressive, "anti-Fascist" or ...

Keywords: Barack, Obama, rush, Communist, Health, Reforms, Idiots, wake, up, Social, Medicine, Socialism, Care, Hospitals, doctors, medical, help, emergency, surgery, government, control, nurses, tyranny, dictatorship, communism, marxism, liberals, godless, vote, end, freedom, surgeons, camps, bureaucracy, bureaucrats, expensive, money, cost, taxpayers, taxes, congress, election, politics, republican, inspirational, reform, conservative, debate, democrats, campaign, conference, elections, cosmotonerecords

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

News Conference: Children's Health Care Reform

News Conference: Children's Health Care Reform Tube. Duration : 61.27 Mins.

A news at the Baker Institute conference to discuss proposed health care reforms.

Tags: 2090901, Uninsured, Children, Press, Conference, Baker, Institute

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Pass Health Care Reform! Stop Stupak!

Pass Health Care Reform! Stop Stupak! Tube. Duration : 0.83 Mins.

Yes, we need health care reform. But we don't need to give up access to affordable abortion. Sign the petition now. Voice: Kathleen Turner Music: Chris Muir

Keywords: planned, parenthood, health, reform, insurance, stupak, amendment, petition, anti, abortion, kathleen, turner, plannedparenthood

Monday, December 12, 2011

4/24/07 - Michael Cannon on Free Market Health Care (Part 4)

4/24/07 - Michael Cannon on Free Market Health Care (Part 4) Tube. Duration : 9.00 Mins.

April 24th, 2007 The Commonwealth Foundation Policies and Principles Luncheon Health Care Reform: Free Markets v. Socialized Medicine Michael Cannon, director of health policy studies at the Cato Institute, discusses free-market health care reforms that Pennsylvania policymakers should adopt. Most recently Cannon co-authored the book Health Competition: What's Holding Back Health Care and How To Free It.

Keywords: Michael, Cannon, Harrisburg, Commonwealth, Foundation, CATO, Institute, Pennsylvania, health, care, policy, free, market, FDN

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Taking Care Of Your corporeal and mental health during gravidity

With over 4 million births in the United States and in the middle of 128 and 138 million births in the world every year, the need arises for permissible care during pregnancy. Here are some tips for taking care of yourself during your pregnancy.

Get Prenatal Care

Health Care Reforms

The number one most leading thing you can do to insure you have a wholesome baby is to get prenatal care from a reputable doctor. Regular prenatal checkups can detect inherent problems early, settle either a c-section may be needed, settle the sex and just insure things are going smoothly. A prenatal checkup will generally contain blood and urine tests to check for bacteria, blood sugar problems, high blood protein levels, iron levels and other typical complications of pregnancy. Your blood pressure and weight will also be checked. Ultrasounds may also be done to check the increase of the baby and its position in the womb.

Taking Care Of Your corporeal and mental health during gravidity

Eating Right

In addition to prenatal care, it's needful that you eat right. Balanced meals are crucial, as you are now feeding your baby, as well as yourself. A diet with abundance of whole grains, high quality proteins, fruits and vegetables and dairy is commonly recommended for most expectant mothers. It is also recommended that you avoid some items like too much caffeine, artificial sweeteners and any raw or not fully cooked foods like eggs, fish or meat. Also not recommended are soft cheeses and unpasteurized dairy products as these can contain bacteria that could cause an infection. Some types of fish contain higher levels of mercury, which should be avoided, these fish contain tuna, shark, swordfish and mackerel. Only two or three servings of fish are recommended for most pregnant women. Above all, drink abundance of fluids, especially water, during your pregnancy.

Vitamins & Supplements

In up-to-date years, studies have found that the B vitamin, folic acid, helps to prevent birth defects when taken during pregnancy. Doctors advise you take 400 mcg every day. Your doctor may also advise a multivitamin formulated for pregnant women as well. Many women also take other vitamins and supplements during pregnancy, but be sure to let your doctor know what other supplements you're taking. Consulting a nutritionist or naturopath can be useful and they can customize a supplement plan for your specific health needs.


In general, most pregnant women can do the same types of exercises that they did while they weren't pregnant. Though some types of weight lifting, very strenuous exercise, as well as determined yoga poses and pilates movements aren't recommended for pregnant women. You should do your investigate to make sure you are doing safe exercises for your baby. Generally, swimming and walking are excellent, lower impact exercises for pregnant women and are therefore most recommended.

Dealing With Morning Sickness

Vomiting and nausea are the two most prevalent symptoms of morning sickness in pregnant women. Some ways to alleviate morning sickness contain eating more small meals throughout the day instead of 3 larger ones and also eating less greasy or fatty foods.

Prevention Of Complications

Taking care of yourself from the occasion you are pregnant can not only protect the health of yourself and your unborn baby, but it can also prevent post birth health complications, together with postpartum depression. Postpartum can be prevented by getting permissible physical and reasoning health care during pregnancy, but if after birth, you still come down with a level of postpartum depression, it can be dealt with by using medication or counseling, together with an innovative online counseling method, called eCounseling. Ecounseling provides efficient counseling services by certified counselors, for treating postpartum depression right in your own home.

Remember to take care of yourself during pregnancy, since you're not just taking care of yourself anymore, but also another living being.

Taking Care Of Your corporeal and mental health during gravidity

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Paul Social Security age may need to be raised

Paul Social Security age may need to be raised Tube. Duration : 2.35 Mins.

LOUISVILLE, Ky. -- Republican US Senate candidate Rand Paul said Sunday the age of eligibility for Social Security and Medicare may need to be raised for future recipients. But Paul, speaking during the first televised debate of the general election season with Democratic opponent Jack Conway, said he doesn't want to change those benefits for older people already receiving them. The debate was aired on "Fox News Sunday." "But we do have to admit that we have the baby boom generation getting ready to retire, and we're going to double the amount of retirees," Paul said. "And to put our head in the sand and just say we're just going to keep borrowing more money is not going to work. There will have to be changes for the younger generation." Major issues of the race thus far have been spending, taxes and the size of government. Paul is a favorite of the tea party with his positions for smaller government and a balanced budget. Conway, the state's attorney general, has also appealed to conservatives, describing himself as a fiscally responsible Democrat who understands why voters are frustrated about rising federal spending. Paul and Republican leaders have tried to paint Conway as a clone of the Obama administration. Conway said Sunday that he would have supported "some" of President Barack Obama's initiatives, including the health care overhaul. He said he would have voted against a 0 billion bailout program for troubled financial institutions that was started under ...

Keywords: Rand Paul, Politics, Social security, Raise SSI, Music, hollywood2ny, Hollywood, NY

Friday, December 9, 2011

The explication to Rising health Care Costs: Defined contribution Plans and Hra's

On September 23, 2010 the first of the health Care Reform mandates kicked in resulting in someone else round of rising costs. The key for company owners over the next 3-5 years will be to implement "new school" strategies to get operate of your health benefits budget.

The major mandate that went into ensue requires health assurance companies to cover preventive services without a co-pay or any deductible. While on the outside this is a great benefit it does come with a cost. Estimates are that premiums will raise 6-8% just for this alone. This would be in addition to the normal increases we have seen.

Health Care Reforms

Here are two strategies that you can employ that can help you perform operate of your health benefits budget:

The explication to Rising health Care Costs: Defined contribution Plans and Hra's

1. Implement a Group health repayment account (Hra) plan and raise the deductible on your group medical. With this formula you pick a plan with a High Deductible. This will lower your selected significantly. Second, lead some of the selected savings to a health repayment Account. This contribution can be used by the employee to pay some or all of the increased out of pocket costs. One of the largest companies in the U.S. Just implemented this strategy. They are outside the first ,000 of out pocket costs for each employee before any deductible is paid

2. Implement a Hra plan coupled with individual health assurance policies. Why individual policies? First, they are generally 20-40% less cost than a comparable group plan. In this case each employee chooses their own procedure based on their needs and wants. You, the employer, lead a pre-determined, pre-tax allowance for each employee. Your funds is fixed and totally predictable. The added benefit is the boss removes themselves from the assurance company all together. You plainly decide a contribution amount.

Which one should you choose? There is no right or wrong reply and there are pros and cons to each.

Until 2014 when the law changes individual coverage continues to be underwritten for pre-existing conditions. Some employees may not be able to get coverage under this scenario. If you currently do not have coverage and the expense of group coverage is unrealistic then this is a great way to go. Uninsurable employees can qualify for whether the state or federal plan for individuals with pre-existing conditions. On the other hand group assurance coverage is guaranteed issue and all employees will be covered without regard to pre-existing conditions. someone else benefit to the individual route is that when employees have more responsibility in choosing their own plan and are spending an allowance they tend to do so in a more wise way. They also are often happier since the boss picked group plan may not fit for their situation.

There is a third options and that is a hybrid plan where the employees remain on a group health plan and the house coverage is shifted to the individual Defined contribution Plan. There are many creative combinations for controlling costs with a Defined contribution Plan than the original "old school" coming that group health plans offer and it is well worth investigating what fits best.

The explication to Rising health Care Costs: Defined contribution Plans and Hra's

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Taking a Stand - Economy, health Care and instruction

I believe with strong leadership, hard work and a dedication to qoute solving, we can enhance the lives of our society and originate a new vision for Northern Virginia.

The Economy

Health Care Reforms

There is an vast need to enhance the economic atmosphere within our communities throughout northern Virginia. Thousands of families throughout Nova are struggling to afford the expenses related with life, along with childcare. To help families within Nova I reserve President Obama's strategy to advance the child and Dependent Care Tax credit to help provide relief for parents and care givers. Currently only 35 percent of the first ,000 incurred from childcare expenses by a family with one child and a family with two or more children the first ,000. The credit is not refundable, therefore upper-income families unreasonably advantage while families that earn less than ,000 a year collect less than a third of the tax credit. I advocate reforming the Child and Dependent Care Tax credit to ensure low-income families to receive more credit for their child care debuts.

Taking a Stand - Economy, health Care and instruction

Additionally, it is imperative that we originate training programs for clean technologies.

I advocate for supplementary funding to advance federal job training programs to contain green technologies training, like industrialized manufacturing and weatherization training. This type of job training schedule will help fuel our economy and originate sustainable green jobs.

I reserve President Obama's plan to help advance lending to small company through tax cuts and aid to society banks. The schedule is designed to have billion in returned cash for the Troubled Assets Relief schedule (Tarp) made ready to help smaller banks lend to local businesses. Small businesses are the fabric of our economy it is imperative that we provide financial reserve to originate jobs, ignite entrepreneurship and innovation.

Health Care

The Healthcare system in this country is broken and I will fight to fix the system. The United States pays more than any other industrialized country, yet lacks national coverage for all Americans. At the same time, healthcare is inextricably related to our time to come fiscal health. Therefore, in order to cut costs and enhance ability for all Americans, three system must be met in any legislation that passes congress: (1) national coverage; (2) ending insurance company abuses; (3) providing choice and competition in the market.

To meet these system healthcare reform must contain some dissimilar provisions. First, we must find a plan to growth the whole of Americans with healthcare. If done properly, it would advance the insurance pool, contain more Americans and cut the costs of premiums. Second, Americans must be protected from the worst insurance company abuses by ending their practices of denying coverage due to pre-existing conditions, capping total coverage, and dropping or reducing coverage when habitancy get sick and need it the most. Additionally, reform should mandate how much of a patient's selected must go toward their care, as opposed to the marketing, profits and salaries for insurance companies.

To provide choice and competition into the market reform should contain a national exchange, whereby individuals and small businesses can join together to advance the insurance pool for economy insurance. Included within this replacement should be a national option. A national choice would be non-profit and have the ability to provide comprehensive care for the best price. along with an American choice in the replacement would keep incommunicable insurers costs from rising and keep them honest.

To keep condition insurance affordable our system must shift to preventative care. For example, if more movable clinics were put in impoverished and rural community's inherent curative issues could be identified early and treated. This would help to combat the high volume of patients visiting hospitals and help cut cost. Additionally, we should provide tax credits to small businesses to help healthcare come to be affordable care. To combat the high volume of patients we should provide more movable clinics in impoverished communities. Tax credits should also be made ready to individuals and families that make below the poverty level. Lastly, waste, fraud, and abuse in the Medicare system must be rooted out to keep the long-term stability of our Medicare system for seniors.

Implementing these reforms must be done in order to meet the challenges of our nation. The costs of healthcare are driving more Americans into bankruptcy and development our businesses less competing to foreign competitors. These reforms would cut our deficit and begin to get our fiscal house in order. I will be a strong believer in healthcare reform.


Our schooling system has many issues and in need for solutions to combat challenges that Americans are faced with everyday. Our children are falling behind in comparison to other developing nations. To provide our children with a curious time to come the United States must be at the forefront of innovation. First, we must reserve children with extra needs and spend in early childhood education, because the duration before a child enters into kindergarten is the most critical to their educational development. To attain this goal we must dramatically growth funding for Head Start and other Parent Readiness programs that have proved effective in getting our children ready for their education. Funds must be allocated properly to ensure that classrooms are managed efficiently and effectively.

Second, we must enhance our K-12 schooling system. I talked to many parents across northern Virginia and listen to their concerns about the addition dropout rate and if American students are being prepared to compete with the world. To accomplish this goal, funding must be provided in order to bring technology and recent textbooks into the classrooms. Additionally, we must rebuild crumbling schools and bonus teachers based on merit and provide incentives to attract ability teachers. I reserve the President's Race To The Top schedule and will advocate to reform the No Child Left Behind Act to reserve schools that need improvement. Additionally, I believe that our school days and hours should be extended, so that our children are getting not only high ability education, but as much schooling throughout the year as our global competitors.

Third, we must advance passage to higher education. The high school schooling that gave our parents and grandparents a vocation is naturally not sufficient in today's fast-developing world. Today, in order to purchase a home, reserve a family and retire comfortably, a college schooling is a necessity. Unfortunately, college and other advance training has come to be unaffordable for many Americans that is why I reserve addition Pell grants and tax credits to families to help pay for education.

Expanding these programs will be costly, but they are worth the investment. I believe that government has the responsibility to spend in its time to come leaders, inventors and communities. We cannot compete globally if we are not developing better products and technologies. Failure is not an choice we must enhance our educational system, as a member of Congress I will push to refocus our Nation's endeavor to strengthening our intellectual capital.

I believe with the right values, dedication, leadership and transportation a new vision for Northern Virginia is possible. Let's make it happen.

Taking a Stand - Economy, health Care and instruction