Monday, October 31, 2011

The supervene of the New condition Care Reform Bill on Your guarnatee Premiums

The new health care reform bill set up by President Obama is being signed today in the White House after months of being passed between the House and Senate. Now that the bill is passed more citizen are curious: How will this bill sway my insurance premiums? My family coverage? My family funds and American families in general?

The health care reform bill has two sets of coverage; items that will take corollary immediately (within the next three months to a year) and reforms that won't take corollary until 2014. The health care bill says that by the end of 2014, 32 million more Americans will have curative insurance. However, the bill is projected to cost 8 billion. Where will this money be advent from? Find out below:

Health Care Reforms

The health care bills sway on the midpoint American

The supervene of the New condition Care Reform Bill on Your guarnatee Premiums

* The effect, if any, is unclear as to how the bill will sway rising out-of-pocket curative costs and premiums

* Uninsured families production a combined family revenue between 133-400% of the federal poverty level (between ,327-,200 to date) will be eligible for superior subsidies through new state-run insurance exchanges

* beginning in 2014, those who do not have the required insurance coverage will pay or 1% of their every year income, whichever is higher. The penalty will rise with the passing of years, reaching a maximum of 5, or 2%, of the every year income

* Families who fall below the income-tax filing threshold will not owe anyone extra on their insurance premiums, nor will citizen who can't find a course that does exceeds 8% of their income

* Households production only 133% of the federal poverty level (about ,327 to date) for a family of four is eligible for the extended Medicaid schedule available

* Premiums will be capped at a division of income, ranging from 3-9.5%

* beginning in 2013, flexible spending accounts, which allow users to escape taxes on many curative expenses now, will be limited. There will be a ,500 maximum on accounts that typically carry ,000 or ,000 limits now, and you will no longer be able to use the accounts for over-the-counter medicines

The corollary of the health care bill on affluent families

* Individuals production 0,000,or couples production an revenue of over 0,000, will pay an additional 3.8% tax on their speculation revenue (this can mean extra thousands more on taxes)

* These same citizen will lead more to the Medicare schedule from their now non-taxed payroll tax

The health care bills sway on insurance companies

* Eventually, the most high-priced insurance policies will be subject to an added tax

* In 2018, employers offering insurance plans with total insurance premiums of ,200 for singles or ,500 for families will be subject to a 40% tax on excess premiums. This tax will be on the insurers, but experts say the insured will see this tax in the form of higher premiums or lower benefits.

The supervene of the New condition Care Reform Bill on Your guarnatee Premiums

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Bell: Williams Said He'd Vote for My Bill

Bell: Williams Said He'd Vote for My Bill Video Clips. Duration : 0.48 Mins.

Tennessee State rep. Mike Bell, R-Riceville, says House Speaker Kent Williams agreed to vote on this Health Freedom bill -- that combats federal health care reforms -- in a House committee.

Keywords: Tennessee, legislature, House, Kent Williams, Mike Bell, Health Freedom Bill, Health Reform, Healthcare

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Disastrously Wrong Predictions From Republicans On Health Care Reform

Disastrously Wrong Predictions From Republicans On Health Care Reform Video Clips. Duration : 7.65 Mins.

Cenk Uygur breaks down predictions from Republicans from about a year ago when health care reform passed to see if they have come true. Subscribe: TYT Mobile: On Facebook: On Twitter: DISCOUNTS: FREE Movies(!): Note: The above two links are for TYT sponsors. Read Ana's blog and subscribe at: Read Cenk's Blog: Other TYT Network channels:

Keywords: healthcarereform, Health, Care, Reform, glennbeck, seanhannity, foxnews, President, Barack, Obama, Obamacare, Socialized, Medicine, Private, Insurance, Public, Government, deathpanels, tomcoburn, paulbrown, louiegohmert, ricksantorum, michelebachmann, Country, TYT, cenkuygur, youngturks

Friday, October 28, 2011

The Secret Republican Strategy on Healthcare

The Secret Republican Strategy on Healthcare Video Clips. Duration : 8.57 Mins.

Watch more at

Keywords: the, young, turks, cenk, uygur, mitch, mcconnell, meet, press, barack, obama, healthcare, option, crazy, public, world, fox, news, channel, chris, walalce, anchor, david, gregory, judd, gregg, senator, republican, secret, strategy

Thursday, October 27, 2011

'That's why we need to stick with the health law'

'That's why we need to stick with the health law' Tube. Duration : 1.30 Mins.

Chellie Pingree voices her opposition to repeal health-care reforms and tells story of Maine constituent whose son found insurance coverage because of the new law.

Tags: Chellie, Pingree, healthcare, reform, Congress

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

condition Care Reform and Coordination of Benefits

The current discussion of expanding health care options through federal legislation deals primarily with big issues - like how to pay for the new coverage and how proposed reforms would change the current healing care system. One of the smaller questions not showing up on many radar screens is how health care reform would impact coordination of benefits issues.

The current formula of paying for health care in the U.S. Is comprised of many different healing coverage "silos". Any given individual- depending on the nature of the disease or injury and how it arose- may be entitled to have healing medicine paid for by any one of many different plans that contribute for cost of healing expenses: group health, workers' compensation, automobile no-fault, homeowner's, liability and a government-sponsored plan like Medicare or Medicaid.

Health Care Reforms

When Uncle Larry was hurt in a motor vehicle collision while making a delivery for his employer, the hospital that treated his broken arm could have conceivably billed Larry or Larry's employers' workers' recompense assurance carrier or Larry's group health insurer or Larry's auto no-fault assurance carrier or Medicare. Traditionally, those possible payers have operated within detach silos, with minute or no sharing of data in the middle of them about who had coverage for Larry and about the circumstances of Larry's arm getting broken. Any one of those health coverage plans could have ended up being billed for and paying the hospital charges.

condition Care Reform and Coordination of Benefits

Under the existing Medicare Secondary Payer statute Medicare is not obligated to pay Larry's hospital bill and would only be responsible for cost if none of the other coverages was in force. Any workers' compensation, liability, no fault and group health plan or course in result for Larry must pay before Medicare is obligated to pay.

Currently, systems are in place for Medicare to witness what other health care coverages are in result for its beneficiaries, to find out what payments other health coverages have made on behalf of its beneficiaries and to recover reimbursement for Medicare payments made when a customary coverage is in effect. The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, the federal agency tasked with administering the Medicare program, has a rather robust principles in place for enforcing the secondary payer rules and minimizing the amount of cases in which Medicare pays for medicine that other payer is obligated to pay.

Medicaid, on the other hand, is administered by state agencies. Due in part to very low-income-eligibility standards, the typical Medicaid beneficiary would not have other, hidden healing cost coverages in force. Accordingly, there is no single, sufficient process in place to coordinate benefits in the middle of Medicaid and any other healing medicine payers ready to a Medicaid beneficiary.

The health care reform proposals now being debated in Congress would -in very basic terms- strengthen health care coverage in four ways:

o increasing the amount of population who qualify for Medicare (e.g. Dropping eligibility age from 65 to 55)
o increasing the amount of population who would qualify for Medicaid (e.g. expanding maximum income levels to 150% of the federal poverty level)
o easing qualification requirements for existing hidden assurance policies, and
o creating a new publicly-administered health assurance plan.

Clearly, enactment of legislation expanding the amount of population covered by health assurance will growth the incidence of overlapping or duplicative coverage. That will growth opportunities for cost of healing expenses by the wrong payer. That will growth the need for sufficient data sharing among the payer silos and obligation of cost priorities.

One aspect of the health care reform movement that will be particularly helpful in the coordination of benefits is expansion of electronic data change in the middle of the health care payers. If the hospital that treated Uncle Larry's broken arm was able to put Larry's group safety amount and a few other key data elements into a web-based database accessed and fed by all possible health price payers, it could be a pretty uncomplicated process to conclude who the bill should be sent to, avoid cost by the wrong payer and find opportunities for reimbursement when cost is made by the wrong party.

Federal law (42 Usc 1320d-2) already requires Cms to develop a principles for electronic data change of health data for the purpose of enhancing the performance and reducing the costs of the health care system. The principle health care reform bill pending in Congress - H.R. 3200- covers over 1,000 pages of text. One sentence of that bill deals with coordination of benefits:

"Not later than 1 year after the date of the enactment of this Act, the Secretary of health and Human Services shall promulgate a final rule to develop a acceptable for health claims attachment transaction described in section 1173(a)(2)(B) of the group safety Act (42 U.S.C. 1320d-2(a)(2)(B)) and coordination of benefits."


Get everyone on the same (web) page, and make sure that includes Medicaid (since expanding eligibility for Medicaid will growth opportunities for duplicative coverage and need for coordination.)

condition Care Reform and Coordination of Benefits

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

McWherter: Some 'Misguided' In Fighting Health Care Reforms

McWherter: Some 'Misguided' In Fighting Health Care Reforms Tube. Duration : 1.12 Mins.

Tennessee Democratic Candidate for Governor Mike McWherter says some members of the state Legislature need to realize it will take years for the court system to iron out federal health reforms.

Keywords: Mike, mcwherter, Democrat, Candidate, Governor, Tennessee, Health, Care, Politics, News, Interview, tnreport,

Monday, October 24, 2011

4/24/07 - Michael Cannon on Free Market Health Care (Part 3)

4/24/07 - Michael Cannon on Free Market Health Care (Part 3) Video Clips. Duration : 9.30 Mins.

Part 3 of 5 April 24th, 2007 The Commonwealth Foundation Policies and Principles Luncheon Health Care Reform: Free Markets v. Socialized Medicine Michael Cannon, director of health policy studies at the Cato Institute, discusses free-market health care reforms that Pennsylvania policymakers should adopt. Most recently Cannon co-authored the book Health Competition: What's Holding Back Health Care and How To Free It.

Keywords: Michael, Cannon, Harrisburg, Commonwealth, Foundation, CATO, Institute, Pennsylvania, health, care, policy, free, market

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Kaine on McDonnell

Kaine on McDonnell Video Clips. Duration : 1.40 Mins.

In an exclusive interview DNC Chairman and former Virginia Gov. Tim Kaine talks about his successor, Republican Gov. Bob McDonnell, and the state's lawsuit against new federal health care reforms. Video (c) 2010 WVIR-TV/NBC29

Keywords: Kaine, mcdonnell

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Top 20 Providers of health insurance Plans

For 20 years, the National Committee for quality guarnatee has been on the forefront of promoting the highest quality for health care and health guarnatee services. The club uses Hedis, the Healthcare Effectiveness Data and data Set, to part performance. This year, the club examined 227 health plans and prime the best 20 inexpressive plans ready in the United States.

Their methodology was based on some factors--clinical effectiveness, Ncqa accredation, and outpatient satisfaction. These factors should be important to any consumer seeing to purchase health coverage.

Health Care Reforms

According to Ncqa, these are the best inexpressive health guarnatee plans for 2010-2011:

Top 20 Providers of health insurance Plans

Harvard Pilgrim health Care: ready in Massachusetts, Maine Tufts related health Maintenance Organization: ready in Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island Harvard Pilgrim health Care of New England: ready in New Hampshire Capital health Plan: ready in Florida Geisinger health Plan: ready in Pennsylvania Grand Valley health Plan: ready in Michigan Group health Cooperative of South Central Wisconsin: ready in Wisconsin Fallon society health Plan: ready in Massachusetts Kaiser Foundation health Plan of Colorado: ready in Colorado Health New England: ready in Massachusetts Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Massachusetts: ready in Massachusetts Cigna HealthCare of New Hampshire: ready in New Hampshire Priority Health: ready in Michigan HealthAmerica Pennsylvania: ready in Pennsylvania Health Net of Connecticut: ready in Connecticut Independent health Association: ready in New York Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield in New Hampshire: ready in New Hampshire Anthem health Plan of New Hampshire: ready in New Hampshire HealthPartners: ready in Minnesota Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield in Maine: ready in Maine

Interestingly, a primary percentage of these plans are in Massachusetts, a state which implemented its own version of healthcare reform some years ago. Michigan, New Hampshire, and Maine also have multiple entries on the list.

What if none of these health guarnatee plans are ready in your area? There are some options: shopping nearby for products with similar benefits and costs is a good idea. At the very least, the Ncqa list can furnish a yardstick for judging quality.

Top 20 Providers of health insurance Plans

Thursday, October 20, 2011

The Aftermath: Issa Reacts to the Passage of ObamaCare

The Aftermath: Issa Reacts to the Passage of ObamaCare Video Clips. Duration : 3.40 Mins.

Rep. Darrell Issa (R-CA) sat down tonight to discuss the year-long fight against more government-run health care and discusses what the real American health care reforms he will continue to push look like. 3-21-10: Oversight Productions

Keywords: Darrell Issa, Health Care, Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi, obamacare, California, HR 3438, Kill the Bill

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

CBS4 Reports on Rep. DeGette's Q & A Session

CBS4 Reports on Rep. DeGette's Q & A Session Tube. Duration : 2.48 Mins.

Tags: Diana degette, Rep. degette, health insurance reform, HR 3200

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Health Care System: America vs. India: Glenn Beck, Fox News

Health Care System: America vs. India: Glenn Beck, Fox News Tube. Duration : 3.22 Mins.

Glenn Beck from Fox News talks about his 40 seconds research to compare the healthcare system between The United Stated of America and India In support of health care reform, SEIU's website recently highlighted the case of Karlyn Zimbelman, an American who received successful medical treatment abroad because she couldn't foot the 000 bill for hip replacement surgery she would have been forced to pay in the United States. And so, she went to India, where the surgery and 13 days of medical care cost her 500 -- 500 with travel and other costs. Beck ran parts of a video testimonial from Ms. Zimbelman, who had the audacity to say the following: "I think the American health care system is excellent, but I just think it's so expensive. Where's the money going?" Beck then offered the following explanation of the cost differential (emphasis added): The best I can figure is all that money goes to high-tech hospitals and doctors who studied at Harvard rather than Gajra Raja medical school. Oh sure, yeah, you know, it's weird. You can buy a Gucci bag on any New York street corner for like four bucks. No different than the 3000 dollar real thing. They're identical! But he wasn't finished. Beck continued (emphasis added): And also, in our research that it took us, oh about 40 seconds, we figured out that some of that money here in America winds up in the pocket of a skilled doctor that helps off-set the 20 years of schooling that he endured and the loans he took out. And - you ...

Keywords: Glenn, Beck, Fox, News, Universal, health, care, america, india, cheap, Workers, of, the, world, unite, India's, Healthcare, Cheaper, than, America's, Global, Economy, level, playing, field, market, currency, Obama, Andy, Stern, SEIU, Union, New, order, costs, collapse, money, wages, lowering, discussion, talking, interview, crisis, government, ron paul

Monday, October 17, 2011

Florida State health assurance

Florida state condition assurance is the best clarification for population who are denied sufficient assurance coverage due to their medial conditions. This is an affordable condition assurance plan initiated by the Florida Legislature. The flexibility of state condition assurance is far classic to the general choices like personel condition insurances and group condition insurances. Most programs in Florida state condition assurance provide coverage at affordable rates that can well fit the budgets of all qualifying Floridian families.

For population who have low income, Florida state condition assurance has the Medicaid agenda that they could possible qualify for. Your local agency of family Services office will provide the valuable data and the prescribed application form. Provocative thing here is the number of population who would categorically qualify for this service but most population think they would not. The agenda requires filling out an application and providing some documentation about your finances. The policy issued by this agenda covers medical expenses of the whole family, together with dental work, eye care, doctor visits, accident care, and prescribe drugs.

Health Care Reforms

For population with children who do not get coverage straight through their employment, Florida state condition assurance has programs to insure the condition of children. One of the programs is the Florida salutary Kids Corporation (Fhkc), which provides hidden sector condition care coverage to uninsured children in 24 counties using school districts as large risk pools. Child plans cover a full range of services from regular check-ups, preventive care, immunization, lab tests, to hospital visits and other associated expenses. Besides, the State of Florida extends Medicaid coverage to children aged in the middle of 15 and 19 with family incomes up to 100% of the federal poverty level (""Waxman Children"").

Florida State health assurance

Florida state condition assurance plan is also open to "federally eligible individuals" as defined by the condition assurance Portability and accountability Act 1996 (Hippa). The act protects condition assurance coverage for you and your family when you turn or lose your job.

Florida state condition assurance policies have been designed to give relief to families who do not qualify for very rated condition assurance programs nor have the capability to pay the expensive installments of hidden insurance.

Florida State health assurance

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Question 1 Luke Korkowski Response US Senate Candidate Forum 9 25 09

Question 1 Luke Korkowski Response US Senate Candidate Forum 9 25 09 Video Clips. Duration : 2.13 Mins.

Luke Korkowski responds to question 1: President Obama and congressional Democrats continue to push a massive federal takeover of our health care system that could create a public option that would eventually destroy private health insurance; that could cut Medicare by 0 billion; that could impose new taxes on families and small businesses; that could impose higher Medicaid costs on financially strapped state governments; and that could dramatically increase our national debt. Do you support or oppose the Obama-Democratic health care plans and if not what health care reforms do you support?

Keywords: Question, 1, Luke, Korkowski, Response, US, Senate, Candidate, Forum, 9, 25, 09

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Obama's Labor Day Speech on Healthcare.

Obama's Labor Day Speech on Healthcare. Video Clips. Duration : 6.58 Mins.

President Obama's health care speech at Labor Day AFL-CIO Union Picnic

Tags: President, Obama, Labor, day, speech, health, care, AFL-CIO, union, picnic

Friday, October 14, 2011

Physician Shortage and Health Care Reforms - 15

Physician Shortage and Health Care Reforms - 15 Tube. Duration : 1.05 Mins.

Adjournment of the House Small Business Committee hearing The Looming Challenge for Small Medical Practices: The Projected Physician Shortage and How Health Care Reforms Can Address the Problem on July 8, 2009

Keywords: house, small, business, committee, democrats, nydia, velazquez, physician, shortage, health, care, reform, doctor, medicine

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Rep. Paul Broun Highlights Common Sense Health Care Reforms

Rep. Paul Broun Highlights Common Sense Health Care Reforms Tube. Duration : 3.05 Mins.

Tags: Paul, Broun, Republican, Study, Committee, Health, Care, Reform

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Physician Shortage and Health Care Reforms - 9

Physician Shortage and Health Care Reforms - 9 Tube. Duration : 7.30 Mins.

Question-and-answer session conducted by Ranking Member Sam Graves (R-MO) at the House Small Business Committee hearing The Looming Challenge for Small Medical Practices: The Projected Physician Shortage and How Health Care Reforms Can Address the Problem on July 8, 2009

Tags: house, small, business, committee, democrats, nydia, velazquez, sam, graves, physician, shortage, health, care, reform, doctor, medicine

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Emergency Medicine Action Fund

Emergency Medicine Action Fund Video Clips. Duration : 3.57 Mins.

A historic partnership of emergency medicine organizations collaborate to advance federal regulatory efforts as health care reforms are implemented. Here is the introduction to the Emergency Medicine Action Fund.


Monday, October 10, 2011

Clinton to Obama: Don't blink on debt-ceiling showdown

Clinton to Obama: Don't blink on debt-ceiling showdown Tube. Duration : 4.65 Mins.

Aspen, Colorado (CNN) -- Former President Bill Clinton urged the Obama White House to remain steadfast over its pledge to increase the federal debt ceiling by August 2. "This is the political equivalent of the government shutdown when I was president," Clinton said. "The White House could blink. I hope not." Clinton made his argument in front of a large crowd at the left-leaning Aspen Ideas Festival in Colorado Saturday. Should the United States default on its payments, the country's credit ratings will decline, Clinton said, and interest rates could rise. Growing anti-government forces like the Tea Party are truly affecting healthy government reform, Clinton said. "It's astonishingly good politics," he admitted, "but poor economic policy." An economic recovery will require both a healthy private sector and an effective government, Clinton said. To prove that point, President Barack Obama and the Democrats should immediately accept previously agreed-upon spending cuts with Republicans that would allow the government to continue to run for another six to eight months. Then both parties must work together toward serious budget reform, which cannot possibly happen by August 2, he added. Republicans have done the right thing by conceding on defense cuts and reducing ethanol subsidies, Clinton said. Still, both parties must accept many of the recommendations of a bipartisan commission led by former Republican Senator Alan Simpson and former Clinton Administration Budget ...

Keywords: barack, clinton, economic, analysis, election, economy, politics, interview, sarah, teaparty, finance, news, battle, bush, biden

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Health Care and the Recession, Part 2

Health Care and the Recession, Part 2 Video Clips. Duration : 9.78 Mins.

The unemployment rate is climbing, the ranks of the uninsured are growing rapidly, and health care provider organizations are feeling the squeeze. What help can the federal government offer as part of the economic stimulus package? What will the increasing pressure mean for proposed health care reforms? And is there any silver lining in the clouds for the future of the US health care system? In a roundtable discussion, experts in health policy, economics, and health care delivery explore the current and likely effects of the recession on US health care and the prospects for systemic change.

Keywords: Thomas Lee, James Mongan, Jonathan Oberlander, Meredith Rosenthal, health care reform, health care coverage, health care economics

Saturday, October 8, 2011

condition guarnatee Comparison by personel condition Coverage - Take Your Pick

Individual insurance Plans To Meet Your Needs

How and where to find individual insurance plans that offer you adequate individual condition coverage takes much consideration. But first the significance of doing condition insurance comparison before deciding can't be over-emphasized.

Health Care Reforms

Coverage and Pricing Options

condition guarnatee Comparison by personel condition Coverage - Take Your Pick

Affordable condition plans that come with discrete options and prices are dependent on the individual condition coverage required as well as what a given healthcare insurance policy should cover. Depending on definite situation, sometimes the individual's job, expert society or union will provide group condition insurance plans, while others do not and require the individual to take up underground condition care insurance.

Group condition Coverage

Group condition care will commonly cost less than underground condition care insurance, or indemnity policies. They are less expensive and hence, more affordable because condition insurers offer deals to large organizations to insure many citizen at one go under that particular organization's policy. Moreover, the individual may be given the option to opt for group healthcare with the society gift to pay a part of the prime for the individual, should they determine to accept any of the plans. Both are contributing factors to make group condition care more affordable.

Health insurance Comparison

By comparison, underground condition care insurance provides the individual with many more options, but commonly cost a lot more than a group condition policy. The previous also may require the individual to file his own claims for reimbursement. This means more time, paperwork and hence, more hassle for that person. However, the individual commonly has more choices of healthcare assistance providers under individual condition plans. As a result, the person can start shopping colse to for the best prices on the store according to what he needs to sniff out truly good deals with affordable condition insurance plans.

Take Your Pick

After all, seeing individual condition plans that is best for you with permissible individual condition coverage production condition insurance comparison is not so tough if you know how to pick and select from among many affordable condition plans out there.

condition guarnatee Comparison by personel condition Coverage - Take Your Pick

Friday, October 7, 2011

Personal health Care assurance Quotes - How to Find Affordable Quotes

Modern day curative care can work miracles, but how can you afford it? How do you know which plan will cover you in case of emergency? Here's a few ways to help you find affordable personal health care insurance:

Personal health Care guarnatee Plans

Health Care Reforms

A lot of habitancy don't have health care benefits because it's either not in case,granted by their employer or they're self employed. To get health guarnatee they have to purchase their own personal health care policy. If you fall into this category, then you should learn as much as you can about the varied health care plans before buying your own policy.

Personal health Care assurance Quotes - How to Find Affordable Quotes

There are many things which influence the cost of your health care premiums. The number of your deductible plays a large part in determining the cost of a health guarnatee policy. A deductible is the number of money you pay towards your curative costs before the guarnatee enterprise begins to pay. A larger deductible will get you a lower monthly premium.

Copayments are an additional one way to keep guarnatee premiums as low as possible. A copayment is a fee you pay each time you visit the doctor or hospital. A typical copay number with a managed health care plan such as an Hmo or Ppo is to per visit. Managed care health plans offer potential curative care at reduced costs.

Personal health Care guarnatee Quotes

One of the best ways to find affordable health guarnatee quotes is to go to a free guarnatee quote website. There you can get competitive quotes from up to 5 health guarnatee providers so you can assess plans and prices. After you have your quotes, you can look more intimately at the policies and resolve which one is the best for you.

Personal health Care assurance Quotes - How to Find Affordable Quotes

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Price Highlights Health Care Reforms in "Path to Prosperity"

Price Highlights Health Care Reforms in "Path to Prosperity" Video Clips. Duration : 5.12 Mins.

House Republican Policy Committee Chairman Tom Price (R-GA) delivered these remarks today during the House Budget Committee's markup of the "The Path to Prosperity: Restoring America's Promise" - the Fiscal Year Budget Resolution introduced by House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan.

Keywords: Rep., Tom, Price;, House, Budget, Committee;, Path, to, Prosperity;, Republicans;, of, Representatives

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

You can lead healthcare providers to reform, but you can't make them think

You can lead healthcare providers to reform, but you can't make them think Video Clips. Duration : 6.02 Mins.

All of the politics, posturing, and punditry in Washington surrounding sweeping healthcare reform fail to consider one sad, yet important, fact: you cant legislate common sense and customer service.

Tags: health care, reforms, insurance, legislation, john david powell, benefits, third-party, ERS

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Soviet Union of the Iron Range? - ReCapitol MN

Soviet Union of the Iron Range? - ReCapitol MN Video Clips. Duration : 3.77 Mins.

Senior Political Correspondent hits another daily deadline with another ReCapitol MN - recapping the Minnesota Capitol! Today we cover everything from land use policy to major health care reforms. Now with 100% more green screen! WATCH IT!

Tags: minnesota, mnleg, health, care, reform, emmer, murphy, gottwalt, rukavina, lake, vermillion, constitutional, amendment

Monday, October 3, 2011

Congressman Ander Crenshaw on the JYR's

Congressman Ander Crenshaw on the JYR's Video Clips. Duration : 0.48 Mins.

Keywords: Congressman, Ander, Crenshaw, on, the, jyr's

Sunday, October 2, 2011

House Session 2011-01-19 (20:20:18-21:33:53)

House Session 2011-01-19 (20:20:18-21:33:53) Tube. Duration : 73.58 Mins.

Keywords: C-SPAN

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Senate Session 2011-05-12 (10:30:26-11:45:37)

Senate Session 2011-05-12 (10:30:26-11:45:37) Tube. Duration : 75.20 Mins.

Keywords: C-SPAN